Yuhwan Lee

A college freshman interested in computer science.

yuhwanlee1@gmail.com • Resume


University of Maryland: College Park

August 2021 - May 2024 (Expected)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Centennial High School

September 2017 - May 2021

Weighted GPA: 4.83

Relevant Coursework: AP Computer Science A, Objected Oriented Design, Advanced Data Structures, Calculus I & II, Discrete Mathematics, AP Statistics


Tutoring Request Manager

A Discord bot that manages tutoring requests for Centennial High School's Math Honor Society.

Skills used: Amazon S3, Webhooks, Python

My school's National Math Honor Society needed a way to manage tutoring requests because of our transition into an online environment due to Covid-19. I decided to help by creating a Discord bot for them, which would allow members to receive and respond to requests. Requests for tutoring are typically created with a Google Form, which triggers a webhook on submission. To access the data regarding existing requests, the bot accesses data inside of an Amazon S3 Bucket.

Social Media Posting Bot

A program that takes content from Reddit and posts it on various social media sites, hosted on an Amazon EC2 Instance.

Skills used: Amazon EC2, Facebook Graph API, Reddit API, Twitter API, Python

This program is designed to take the most popular posts from multiple subreddits from Reddit, and post them on to various social media pages. First, the program downloads content from the Reddit API. Then, it uses Facebook's Graph API and Twitter's API to post the content. This program is hosted on an Amazon EC2 Linux instance, which runs the script in regular intervals


A web application which connects hospitals with medical suppliers.

Skills used: Google Cloud, Firestore, Twilio API, Flask, Python

MedNet was my team's submission for the Def Hacks 2020 Hackathon. To solve the problem of hospitals being short of medical supplies due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we created a web application that allows hospitals to communicate with medical supply providers, and to make requests for supplies.

Devpost Submission


A flask application that allows for the detection of political bias in text.

Skills used: Keras, TensorFlow, Flask, Python

PoliBias was my team's submission to the NotUniversity Hacks hackathon. To determine the political bias of some text, we used a recurrent neural network trained on a large dataset of political texts.

Devpost Submission


A desktop application that provides an offline version control system.

Skills used: Java

Sync-Tool is a Desktop application that was created with a team of my classmates in an Object Oriented Design class. The application serves as an offline version control system, allowing users to save the current state of any directory, and restoring the data from any save to the original directory.

Sorting Visualizer

A program that demonstrates the efficiency of sorting algorithms with random generation.

Skills used: Java

Sorting Visualizer is a program that demonstrates how different sorting algorithms work with colorful animated lines that travel across the screen. The user can choose between a multitude of sorts, how many lines are shown on the screen, and whether or not the average case or worst case of the sorting algorithm should be shown.

Extra-Curricular Activities

GitHub Website
FTC Robotics - Lead Programmer

September 2018 - May 2021

Programming a robot with a robotics team in order to compete in the First Tech Challenge.

Skills used: Java

As the lead programmer on my robotics team, I made sure to take initiative and decide on the structure of my team's codebase. From previous years, I learned the importance of modularity and object oriented design, so I made sure to implement the knowledge I had to create a class hierarchy that was intuitive, and one that would allow for new features to be easily added on in the future.

Pyoneers - Education Committee

September 2020 - May 2021

Developing curriculum and programming problems for students learning Python.

Skills used: Python

Pyoneers is a club at Centennial High School that aims to teach Python to students, providing presentations, programming questions, and classes regarding specific Python libraries or concepts. As a member of the Education Committee, my tasks were to help develop curriculum for the students that we teach, as well as to create weekly programming questions.

GitHub Website
WebPoint - Programmer

July 2020 - May 2021

A volunteer organization delivering professional websites to local businesses.

Skills used: Bootstrap, HTML, CSS

As a programmer for WebPoint, I helped with developing the front end of the websites we produced, delivering pages according to the given specifications using the web framework Bootstrap.

National Math Honor Society

September 2020 - May 2021

Tutoring peers in various math topics.

Skills used: LaTeX

As a member of Centennial High School's National Math Honor Society, my duties included tutoring students in various math topics and transcribing handwritten questions into LaTeX documents. Because of this club's transition to a virtual setting due to Covid-19, I created a Discord bot to help manage the online tutoring requests that we receive (Tutoring Request Manager).